Welcome to WBR FM.
WBR FM is a community online radio station which was set up by 3 friends & fellow online radio presenters. They decided to make a community station that would be unique from commercial stations that are currently broadcasting
Here at WBR FM our aim is to provide great local radio entertainment and news & information to the community of Wigan borough and the surrounding areas. The beauty of WBR FM is giving our presenters the freedom to not only be themselves and enjoy broadcasting but to also choose there own play lists.
We aim to bring you the listener live & pre recorded shows of all different genres
Our schedule is updated on a weekly basis please feel free to take a look at some of the shows WBR FM has to offer
WBR FM Entertaining Radio from the Heart of the Wigan Borough
We owe the success to our dedicated team of presenters and back office staff who work endlessly and volunterally to keep us the top of the game.